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Catastrophic Injury in Western North Carolina

“Click it or Ticket!” “Booze it and Lose it!” We’ve heard the catchy phrases or seen the signs posted on North Carolina highways. With Asheville being a major town intersected by Interstate 40, Interstate 240, and Interstate 26, you can’t enter or leave the city without seeing signs encouraging safe driving. And with increased traffic on Western North Carolina’s roads, everyone needs to participate in safe driving in order to avoid accidents and injuries. However, the safest of drivers can’t anticipate the poor driving choices of others and can be victim to brain injury, catastrophic injury, or even wrongful death, especially when sharing the road with some of the biggest vehicles like tractor trailers.

Semi-trucks, 18 wheelers, and construction vehicles alike have odd driving hours, heavy loads, and long distances in front of them. This can lead to driver fatigue which can result in personal injury to occupants of other much smaller vehicles on the road. A tap from an 80,000 lb truck can have severe consequences for other drivers. Brain and catastrophic injuries often have long-term effects, from recuperation time to permanent disability. These injuries can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical expenses, physical therapy, occupational therapy, in-home care or treatment care on top of lost wages. Worse even, trucking accidents can lead to the wrongful death of a loved one that can only increase the financial hardship through burial costs, funeral expenses and more.

If you or someone you know has recently been involved in a trucking accident in and around the Asheville area or Western North Carolina, please contact Fisher Stark at 828-505-4300 for a free consultation. With brain injuries, catastrophic injuries, or wrongful death cases, you should not have to fight for your rights alone. Get one of the best personal injury law firms in Asheville, NC, that understands your situation and has the aggressiveness to pursue your legal rights for fair and just compensation.

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