
“Why Has He Gotten So Moody After His Concussion?”

Concussions and other traumatic brain injuries can commonly impact a person’s anxiety or mood. Tasks or small issues that folks could normally take in stride may become more upsetting after a concussion.

Concussions also typically make a person feel more down, depressed, or sad than normal. Things that used to give you enjoyment may not feel the same after suffering a concussion or other head trauma.

What do Concussion or Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms Look Like?

Traumatic brain injuries from concussions greatly increase neurobehavioral changes in mood and anxiety. Most common complaints about these mood changes are:

Nervousness – Things that did not use to worry you may now become very concerning.

Difficulty Sleeping – The added anxiety and nervousness can often result in difficulty sleeping or drastic changes in your normal sleep schedule.

Loss of Self – Family members or close friends may notice that you are not acting in the same way that you used to.

Irritation – Some concussion victims are more likely to lose their tempers or become agitated by everyday tasks and seemingly minor life events.

All these symptoms can conspire to make you feel frightened of the changes that are happening to you and feel as though your brain is not functioning like it used to. Also, if a concussion victim is unaware of these symptoms it can often be quite upsetting to those around them who can see the changes.

a concussion is traumatic brain injury

How to Manage Post Concussion Syndrome?

Try not to get too worried about these changes that are happening to you, the stress of worrying itself can cause an increase in the symptoms.
We understand that it can be difficult to try not to worry when you are experiencing these changes to your mood but in most concussion cases people will get better rather quickly.

If these symptoms do not improve within a few weeks you may want to refer to our article here (link to post concussion syndrome article) on post-concussion syndrome.

Another thing that you can do to try to manage your symptoms is to be aware of the environment that you put yourself in.

Places with loud noises or flashing lights can lead to a lot of over stimulation of the senses that can worsen the symptoms that you are experiencing. By avoiding over-stimulation and attempting to get a good night’s rest while you recover you increase your chances of a speedy recovery.

Asheville Concussion Injury Lawyers - Fisher Stark P.A.

Get Help for Post Concussion Problems

You do not need to go through this alone. If you are experiencing these symptoms after receiving a blow to the head, you should see a health care professional.

Although concussions may be common, they are still traumatic brain injuries (brain damage) and are associated with very dangerous conditions such as post-concussion syndrome and second impact syndrome. Once diagnosed your health care professional can recommend a course of action to get you the best chances of recovery.

If your head injury was caused by the fault of someone else, you should not have to suffer the burden of the expenses of your injury.
The trial lawyers at Fisher Stark, P.A., are experienced with traumatic brain injuries. We work with the injured and their loved ones or caregivers as part of a team to help everyone navigate the injury’s impact.

We can also help take the stress off you when you are trying to focus on getting better or adjusting to permanent lifestyle changes by removing the burden of dealing with a sometimes-complex legal process.

Let us fight the insurance companies for fair compensation while you focus on healing. Fisher Stark, P.A., serves Asheville, NC, and the surrounding areas throughout western North Carolina. For a free case evaluation, please reach out by calling 828-505-4300 today.