Asheville Business Attorney

Asheville Business Lawyer - Fisher Stark, P.A. - Asheville, NC

Perry Fisher of Fisher Stark, P.A., has years of experience helping Asheville businesses with complex legal issues.

Asheville Business Lawyers

Business law affects many issues facing Asheville businesses, partnerships, and corporations. So, in today’s business world, the local corporate attorney is an integral part of successful business teams. Fisher Stark, P.A., has experience with complex contract negotiations, business torts, investor relations, and more.

We help Western North Carolina businesses protect their interests, avoiding court as much as possible.

Business Contract Attorney

Contracts are complicated. These complex documents assign risk to each person entering into an agreement. Consequently, contracts are comprehensive to protect business interests and punitive when broken. So, before signing any agreement, make sure you know what you’re signing.

As a business law firm in Asheville, we bring our experience to your business' table. So, by drafting fair agreements, solid contracts, and strong business deals, we let you focus on meeting the needs of your business, customers and industry.

Fisher Stark, P.A., uses our trial experience to draft contracts designed to keep our clients out of court. Because agreeing to contracts hastily created usually leads to spending years and substantial lawyer’s fees fixing problems. Our corporate attorneys help local companies avoid problems with Asheville business law. We enjoy helping community businesses avoid regretting hasty decisions.

Business Tort Lawyer

When a dispute threatens or harms your company, you need experienced legal help.

Our Asheville business lawyers have tried many cases involving disputes. We have more than 50 years' business tort experience assisting all size companies from sole proprietorships to large corporations. When there's a dispute to your business that creates damages, experience matters.

Fisher Stark, P.A., offers aggressive representation with cases involving:

  • Fraud
  • Breach of fiduciary duty
  • Theft of trade secrets
  • Tortious interference
  • Trade libel
  • Unfair business practices

Business & Partnership Creation and Dissolution

Fisher Stark, P.A., offers legal help to startup companies & partnerships, growing organizations, merging parties, and entities looking to dissolve.

Our experienced business lawyers help:

  • Forming corporations, limited liability companies, limited partnerships, and general partnerships
  • Drafting performance contracts and contracts for the sale of goods or delivery of products
  • Preparing shareholder agreements, buy-sell agreements, license agreements, employee agreements, confidentiality agreements, non-disclosure and non-solicitation agreements
  • Facilitating mergers and sales of closely held corporations
  • Assisting with the daily needs of your business

Interested in Learning More About Business Law and Your Company?

Click on any of the articles below - they will provide you with concrete information that’ll help you understand more about small business law:


NC Business Entity Considerations

"What type of company should I form?"

This question is the most frequently asked question when forming a new business. Of course, there are many factors to consider when choosing the type of business entity.

For example, factors affecting Asheville business include funding, number of shareholders, tax treatment of the entity, how investors will realize gain or income from their investment, the time horizon for the company, and many others.

Fisher Stark, P.A. offers the chart below to help our clients consider and select the right entity for their new business venture. But please note we have only addressed a few of the issues to consider when forming a new company.

Considerations C Corporation S Corporation Sole Proprietor Partnership Limited Liability Co.
1. Formation:
A. MethodArticles of IncorporationArticles of IncorporationNonePartnership agreement; certificate filings for limited partnershipArticles of Organization
B. Owner Eligibility
1. Number of OwnersNo limit100OneTwo or more if general partnership; one or more general and one or more limited for limited partnershipOne or more for formation of NC LLC; no limit after formation
2. Type of OwnersNo limitationIndividuals and certain trustsIndividualNo limitationNo limitation
3. Affiliate LimitsNo limitationNo subsidiaries (except some holding)No limitationNo limitationNo limitation
C. Capital Structure
1. EquityNo limitation (multiple classes permitted)Generally one class of stock except non-voting class allowedNo stockNo limitation (multiple classes permitted)No limitation (multiple classes permitted)
2. DebtNo specific limits but debt/equity ratio may affect tax statusSafe-harbor for debtNo specific requirementsNo specific limitsNo specific limits
D. Status Determination
1. Election by EntityNo election requirementsRequired IRS electionNo election requirementsNo election requirements but state law filing; limited, must meet safe-harborNo election requirements; must meet safe-harbor
2. Owner ConsentsNone requiredConsent requiredNone requiredNone requiredNone required
E. LiabilityLimited to shareholder’s capital contributionsLimited to shareholder’s contributionsUnlimitedGeneral partners jointly and severally liable; limited partners are generally limited to capital contributionsLimited to member’s capital contribution
F. Continuity of ExistencePerpetualPerpetualLimited to life of ownerSpecific agreed term; may be terminated earlier by death, disability or insolvencySpecific agreed term; may be terminated earlier by death, disability or insolvency
II. Income Tax Issues:
A. ManagementBoard of Directors, officersBoard of Directors, officersOwnerAll general partners, managing partners may be appointedMembers or Manager
B. Tax yearAny year permitted (limited for personal service corporation)Generally calendar yearCalendar yearGenerally calendar yearGenerally calendar year
C. Tax IncomeCorporate levelShareholder levelIndividual levelPartner levelCompany level
D. ElectionsCorporate levelCorporate levelIndividual levelPartnership levelCorporate level
E. Allocation of Income of OwnersNot permitted (except through multiple equity structure)Not permitted (except through debt/equity structure)N/APermitted if substantial economic effectPermitted if substantial economic effect
F. Character of IncomeNo flow-through to shareholdersFlow-through to shareholdersFlow-through to individualFlow-through to partnersFlow-through to members
G. Investment InterestNo limitsShareholder investment interest limited to net investment income; corporation investment interest flows throughLimited to new incomePartner investment interest limited to net investment income; partnership investment interest flows throughMember investment interest limited to net investment income; LLC investment interest flows through
H. Net Operation LossesNo flow-throughFlow-through to shareholders (limited to basis); no basis for debts guaranteedFlow-through to individualFlow-through to partners (limited to basis)Flow-through to members (limited to basis)
I. Net Capital LossesNo flow-through, but five year carry forwardFlow-through to shareholdersFlow-through to individualFlow-through to partnersFlow-through to members
J. Undistributed EarningsSurtax on accumulations of earnings in excess of reasonable requirements for current and future business needs; $250,000 safe-harborNo restrictionsN/ANo restrictionsNo restrictions
K. Effects of Statutory LimitationsImpose at corporate levelImposed at shareholder levelImposed at individual levelImposed at partner levelImposed at member level

Western North Carolina Business Lawyers Who Care

Avoiding trouble in the future means contacting an experienced Asheville business lawyers like those at Fisher Stark, P.A. today. Fisher Stark, P.A., is based in Asheville, NC, but also serves surrounding communities throughout Western North Carolina, including Buncombe County, Henderson County, Madison County, Haywood County, Polk County, McDowell County, Jackson County, Swain County, Transylvania County, and Cherokee County. We assist new businesses. growing businesses and dissolving businesses. We serve local companies, partnerships. and entrepreneurs. Call (828) 505-4300 or contact us here for a free consultation today.

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Take This Quiz and We'll Tell You If You Actually Need a Personal Injury Lawyer.  Should you hire an attorney? Or just discuss your case? Or do you need legal help at all? Let's find out here >> "Is It Time to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney?"


Experience Matters

CAphoto 49 of 53 copy - Fisher Stark Personal Injury Lawyer

Asheville NC Attorneys, Perry Fisher, Brad Stark, and Megan Silver will assist you with your personal injury, property loss, and court-related issues